Registration form

for new haulier

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1Company data
2Bank details
4Conditions, CMR insurance and EU licence
Company name according to company name *
Contact person *
Street and house no. *
City *
Country code e.g. IT *
Telephone number *
General e-mail *
VAT number *
Timocom number
Upload your letterhead
The company name and address must be the same as the data you have entered
Permitted format: .pdf
Max. File size: 2MB
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
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Before filling out the form, please have the following documents (format .PDF, max. file size 2MB) ready:

  1. Your letterhead 
  2. A bank confirmation 
  3. Your CMR insurance confirmation
  4. Your EU licence

Take your time when filling in the form and check your details.

Arrange appointment

Fill out the form and we will get back to you shortly.

Contact information
When may we call you back?